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XS8 Workouts: Next-Level Fat Loss

If you loved SS8, wait till you try the XS8 workout. More supersets, more intensity… more shredded.

XS8 Workouts: Next-Level Fat Loss

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My famed Super Shredded 8 (SS8) program has helped hundreds of thousands of men and women change their bodies over the past decade-plus. So you might think I would just stick with that as my go-to fat loss workout plan, right?

Wrong! I'm always driven to push the boundaries further, which is why I created  Xtreme Shredded 8 (XS8) – a program designed to challenge even the most seasoned athletes.

Here’s what to expect when you step into the gym to take on XS8...

Get Shredded in 8 Weeks

XS8 is an 8-week journey that builds on the principles of SS8, intensifying every aspect to deliver extreme results. At its core, XS8 utilizes compound sets – a type of superset that pairs two exercises for the same muscle group to achieve a level of muscle exhaustion that promotes significant growth and fat loss. The program calls for six weekly workouts, following a 3-day split where you'll train the entire body twice a week.

With XS8, you’ll be doing three compound sets for each major muscle group (versus two with SS8) to up the ante on your training intensity… and results.

High-Intensity Rep Ranges and Rest Schemes

XS8 also changes up the rep ranges and rest periods from SS8 by alternating between heavy and light resistances and implementing shorter rest times. This keeps the workouts intense and efficient, maximizing every moment spent in the gym.

More Tabatas, More Fat Loss

Integral to XS8's fat loss strategy are Tabata HIIT cardio intervals. You’ll start with two Tabatas between each muscle group in every workout and eventually progress to three Tabatas per for the ultimate fat burn.

Fat-Burning Diet and Supplements

But XS8 isn't just about the workouts. Achieving the best results requires a comprehensive approach, including nutrition and supplementation. Following the original SS8 Diet and integrating the JYM XS8 Stack – featuring Pre JYM X and the SS8 Advanced Fat Burner – will significantly enhance the effectiveness of the program.

Take Your Results to Xtreme Levels

Whether you're a long-time member of the JYM Army or just starting your fitness journey, XS8 offers a path that will transform your body and your life. Are you up for the challenge of Xtreme Shredded 8 ?


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