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The Best Organics Money Can Buy

Looking to go organic without blowing your grocery budget? Here are your best buys.

The Best Organics Money Can Buy

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) defines "organic" as foods that are produced without antibiotics, hormones, pesticides, irradiation or bioengineering. Organic farmers are required to adhere to certain soil and water conservation methods and to rules about the humane treatment of animals.

Definitely sounds like the way to go, right? But when you're on a tight budget, buying organic foods (which tend to be pricier than their non-organic counterparts) can seem like an unjustifiable luxury. Instead of abandoning them entirely, though, a better option is to funnel your funds toward the ones that offer the best bang for your buck – those that boast real body-building benefits. Here's a rundown of the organic foods that are worth every penny:


In 2007, the nonprofit Environmental Working Group surveyed the 43 most popularly consumed

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