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Using Periodization

Periodization is the key to seeing continued gains in size and strength from a training program. Here, I break down the most effective periodization models.

Using Periodization

"Periodization" is a term that refers to the systematic manipulation of the acute training variables over a long-term period that may range from days to years. The acute variables include:

  1. Exercise Selection
  2. Exercise Order
  3. Weight (resistance)/Intensity 
  4. Volume (sets performed)
  5. Rest Periods
  6. Rep Speed/Tempo 

The original concept of periodization was developed in the former Eastern Bloc countries back in the late 1950s/early '60s to optimize athletes’ adaptations to resistance training. More importantly, periodization revolves around the athlete’s competitive calendar, such that they are at their competitive peak for competition.

Why Use Periodization

The basis behind periodization is a concept called the general adaptation syndrome (GAS). GAS describes three stages an organism – such as an athlete – goes through when exposed to a novel stress (Seyle, 1936). These three stages are 1) Alarm, 2) Adaptation, and 3) Exhaustion. As a new stress is placed on the body – let's use heavy training in the 3-5 rep range as an example – the body first goes through an alarm reaction. During this stage, the body momentarily gets weaker. But with continued exposure to the stress (i.e. successive workouts), the body enters the stage of adaptation. In this stage, the body super compensates for the stress – such as increasing muscle strength – to better deal with it.

If the body is continually exposed to the same stress for too long a period of time it may enter the stage of exhaustion where its adaptation to the stress may actually decline. This may mean that the strength gains made during the adaptation stage will cease and stagnation may set in. It may even lead to an actual decline in strength. Although this theory is now considered a simplistic take on the body’s response to stress, it does hold true on the surface level and explains the reason periodization is so important for proper adaptation to strength training.

You must expose the muscle to any one training style for just long enough to reap the benefits but avoid a nosedive of those positive adaptations. At this stage, a new training style should be introduced, and the cycle continues. This will prevent stagnation and maximize training adaptations. A simplistic take on periodization is the maxim, “everything works, but nothing works forever.”

3 Major Periodization Models

The three periodization schemes most commonly used by strength coaches and also the three that are the most extensively researched are known as 1) linear periodization (often referred to as classic periodization), 2) reverse linear periodization, and 3) undulating periodization.

While there are many other more obscure periodization schemes out there, a discussion covering these three primary periodized models, as well as the pendulum model and my recently designed Oscillating Periodized model, will be more than sufficient to fully understand and utilize periodization. Regardless of the exact plan, periodized strength-training programs have been shown through research to be significantly more effective than non-periodized programs for increasing strength, power and athletic performance in both men and women (Kraemer, et al. 2003; Marx, et al., 2001; Rhea and Alderman, 2004; Willoughby, 1993).

Classic (Linear) Periodization

As the name implies, this periodization system is the hallmark periodization scheme most associated with the term "periodization." It was designed by Russian sport scientist Leonid Matveyev. In its most general form, classic periodization divides a long-term training period called the macrocycle (which typically runs six months to one year with athletes, but may be up to four years in length, such as with Olympic athletes) into several phases called mesocycles (usually lasting several weeks to months). 

Each mesocycle can be further divided into weekly microcycles. The graph above (in the header image of this article) shows a sample paradigm of Mayveyev’s classic linear periodized model. In the graph, intensity represents weight used and volume represents sets multiplied by reps. Over time, the weight used (intensity) increases, while the reps completed per set decrease.

Here's the classic linear periodized model in table form:

Phase Reps Intensity Sets Volume
Hypertrophy 8-12+ Low-Moderate 3-5 Very High
Basic Strength 4-6 Moderate-High 3-5 Moderate-High
Strength and Power 3-5 High 3-5 Low
Peaking 1-3 Very High 1-3 Very Low

Again, as this table shows, the rep ranges decrease with each phase (mesocycle) as the weight used (intensity) increases.

The first phase (mesocycle) is classified as the hypertrophy phase and is categorized as being low to moderate in intensity with rep ranges usually being around 8-12 per set, and sometimes as high as 20 or more reps per set.

It is considered very high in volume (sets x reps) since rep ranges are so high. For example, the volume is much higher when doing 3 sets x 12 reps (36 reps) per exercise as compared to doing 3 sets x 3 reps (9 reps) per exercise. The goal of this phase is typically to prepare the athlete for the high-intensity (heavier) training that is on its way. The muscle hypertrophy they experience from this phase will also enhance the strength and power gains that they will make in the later stages.

*Note: In some periodized programs designed for athletes, the hypertrophy phase may be preceded by what is known as a general preparedness (GP) phase. This is especially true if the athlete being trained is a rank beginner or is an athlete who is returning after an off-season where little, if any, training took place. This would provide a means to prepare them for the hypertrophy phase with very low intensity and moderate to high volume training.

The second phase of the classic periodization model is usually the strength phase. As the name implies, the major goal during this phase is to maximize muscle strength. This phase is typically moderate to high in intensity and volume with reps in the 4-6 range and the goal to build up muscle strength.

Following the strength phase is the third phase, the power phase. It is somewhat similar to the strength phase in that the intensity is high with reps and therefore volume is low – usually in the 3-5 rep range. Although often, the intensity is rather low while reps are still low to build explosive power. The point of this phase is to start transferring the strength gains the athletes made during the first two phases into more explosive power that serves well for competition.

The final two mesocycles prepare the athlete for their competition.

The peaking phase is the fourth phase and follows the power phase. It is categorized by very low volume with very high intensity with reps as low as 1-3 reps per set. This phase gets them ready for competition by maximizing strength and power. Following this phase, they drop the strength training and follow a period of active rest just before competition. The active rest phase is categorized by activity other than strength training such as swimming, hiking, or sports activities like basketball and tennis.

The peaking phase usually lasts for only about one to two weeks before a competition to allow the athletes’ body to recover from all the strenuous training so that they can perform at their best. After competition, this phase may actually continue for several weeks before the periodized training scheme starts over again. For this reason, the active rest phase is often referred to as the transition phase.


With the classic linear periodized model, sticking with the same rep range for a full mesocycle, which may last numerous weeks can have some drawbacks. Some athletes may get bored using the same rep ranges for several weeks. Another issue is the fact that some of the adaptations made in a previous mesocycle may be lost in a later mesocycle. For example, gains in muscle size made during the hypertrophy phase may be lost during the strength and power phases where repetitions performed each set rarely exceed 6 reps. Undulating periodization is one way to remedy the issues of the mesocycles (see below). However, using a linear model, whether it be the classic linear scheme or the reverse linear scheme (see below) has merit.

Using microcycles may be an even more effective way of utilizing linear periodized training schemes. The term "microcycle" refers to weekly changes in the weight used and the reps performed. For example, if following the classic linear model, week 1 might be a muscle endurance microcycle with reps in the 12-15 rep range. Then week 2 might be the hypertrophy microcycle with reps in the 9-11 range, week 3 continues increasing the weight and decreasing the reps for the strength microcycle with reps in the 6-8 rep range. And then in week 4, which could be the strength and power microcycle, reps drop again down to just 3-5 reps per set. After week 4, the cycle repeats itself with week 5 returning to the muscle endurance microcycle. These microcycles can keep repeating in this order until the athlete is ready for competition, or for a non-competitive strength trainer, the program is over after 12 weeks or so.

Here's a chart that shows a sample linear scheme that uses microcycles. This is very similar to my Micro Muscle (a.k.a. Shortcut To Size) program. 

Week/Microcycle Weight Rep Range
1 Light 12-15
2 Moderate 9-11
3 Moderate-Heavy 6-8
4 Heavy 3-5

Reverse Linear Periodization

Reverse linear periodization basically takes the linear periodization scheme and runs it backward. While the goal of the classic linear periodization model is to maximize an athlete’s strength and power, the goal of the reverse linear model is to maximize muscle hypertrophy or endurance strength, depending on the rep range that the program concludes with — 8-12 for hypertrophy; about 20-30 for endurance strength. Research supports the concept that the reverse linear periodization scheme is more effective for increasing endurance strength than the classic model (Rhea, et al. 2003). Figure 4: This table shows a sample reverse linear periodized model for muscle hypertrophy.

Phase/Mesocycle Weight Rep Range
1: Power Phase Heavy 2-3
2: Strength Phase Moderate-Heavy 3-6
3: Hypertrophy Phase Light-Moderate 8-12

*Each phase may typically last 3-6 weeks.

In essence, the reverse linear model starts with the power phase where intensity is very high with reps low (2-3 reps per set). The peaking phase is usually skipped because the athlete is not preparing for competition where power and strength matter. After the power phase has been followed for several weeks comes the strength phase. The strength phase utilizes moderate to high intensity with lower reps (3-6 reps per set). The goal of these first two phases is to build the strength and power the athlete will need to optimize mass gains or endurance strength.

Being able to lift heavier weight for the desired number of reps during the hypertrophy phase can result in significant gains in muscle mass as well as muscle endurance. The hypertrophy stage comes last in the program and it involves lower intensity with higher reps (8-12 reps per set). If the goal was to prepare an athlete who needed strength endurance (rower; short-distance runner; etc.) the reverse linear program would often involve a fourth mesocycle that lightens the weight again and increases the rep range to 20 reps and above per set.

Undulating Periodization

As the name implies, undulating periodization follows a non-linear scheme, unlike the classic linear and the reverse linear periodization schemes. Undulating models are gaining popularity in strength rooms due to their convenience and effectiveness. In training athletes, many undulating periodization schemes follow a 14-day mesocycle with three to four different workouts to stagger.

In other words, instead of sticking with one training phase for several weeks or more, the lifter can change intensity and volume from one workout to another. And the workouts don’t progress in a linear fashion, getting heavier in the resistance used each successive workout (classic linear), or getting lighter each successive workout (reverse linear). Rather, the workouts jump all around from heavy to light to moderate in random order. 

To illustrate how undulating periodization works, let's start with this table showing three different workout types used to train athletes.

Workout Type Weight Rep Range
1: Strength/Power Workout Heavy 2-6
2: Hypertrophy Workout Moderate 8-12
3: Endurance Strength Workout Light 15-30+

As you can see, these workout types are listed in order, from the heaviest workout to the lightest – a revese linear model. With undulating periodization, however, the order is more sporadic; you won't necessarily be going from one rep range to the next lighest (reverse linear) or the next heaviest (linear). Instead, you'll shuffle the three types of workouts in different ways throughout the program. 

For example, if the athlete were following a whole-body training split, they might perform the Strength/Power workout (2-6 reps per set) on Monday, then the Endurance Strength workout (15-30+ reps per set) on Wednesday, and the Hypertrophy workout (8-12 reps per set) on Friday. The following week, they may train the Endurance Strength workout on Monday, the Hypertrophy workout on Wednesday, and the Strength/Power workout on Friday.

So, not only does the undulating scheme follow a non-linear pattern – workout order can also change week-to-week. 

The Benefits of Undulating Periodization

One of the great things about undulating periodization is the fact that it requires less organization and planning than linear periodized programs. For instance, if the individual felt tired or sick, or just the opposite and felt exceptionally motivated and strong one day, the workout could be changed for that day to better suit their mood and physical health. Or if scheduling was a problem and the lifter was short on time one day, they could switch to a workout with lower volume.

Although it seems that such a training system that requires little planning would be less effective than a program that's scheduled out for months in advance, research has found that undulating periodized programs are just as effective as linear periodized models for the development of strength/power and muscle mass (Marx, et al. 2001; Kraemer, et al. 2000) and are far more effective than non-periodized programs. One study by Rhea et al. (2002) found that undulating periodized training was actually more effective for developing strength as compared to a linear periodized plan.

In actuality, the sporadic nature of the undulating program works as a default for building muscle, strength, and power. That’s because periodization is based on the fact that a physiological system makes adaptations to a stress that it is exposed to (GAS). Yet if it is exposed to the stress for too long, the adaptations will plateau and even reverse to some degree. Given that, the undulating periodized scheme allows the stress (strength training) to be encountered for very short periods before it is changed and then cycled back in. In this model, the different types of strength training (heavy, light, moderate, etc.) are cycled repeatedly from day to day. So it helps to keep the muscle from getting used to the stimulus, yet exposes it frequently enough to cause progressive adaptations. This is often referred to as the principle of muscle confusion. So in other words, undulating periodization is basically the principle of muscle confusion, as described by Joe Weider many decades earlier.

Using Undulating Periodization to Build a Better Physique

One confusing issue with undulating periodization is the fact that it is usually described in the scientific literature and textbooks as a system that changes up the resistance used and rep ranges performed every single workout. And this is true if the athlete is using a whole-body training split where they train their entire body every workout. Since the literature and textbooks focus on strength training for athletes, such as football players and track athletes, who often do train using a whole-body training split, many trainers are confused about how to use undulating periodization using a training split that takes 2, 3, 4, or more workouts to train the entire body.

For example, let's consider a 4-day training split where the individual trains chest and triceps on Monday, legs on Tuesday, shoulders on Thursday, and back and biceps on Friday. Many trainers assume that to apply undulating periodization, the rep ranges might progress like this over two weeks: week 1 - Monday (chest and triceps): 2-6 reps/set, Tuesday (legs): 15-30+ reps/set, Thursday (shoulders): 8-12 reps/set, Friday (back and biceps): 15-30+ reps/set; week 2 – Monday (chest and triceps): 8-12 reps/set, Tuesday (legs): 2-6 reps/set, Thursday (shoulders): 15-30+ reps/set, Friday (back and biceps): 2-6 reps/set. While it's fine to train this way, it can get a bit daunting trying to make sure that the same rep range isn't repeated for a muscle group.

Undulating Periodization 6-Week Plan

For a better option for a 4-day split, see the below outline, which shows the week-by-week change in rep ranges over the course of the program. 

The form of undulating periodization shown here changes the rep ranges every week, which means it’s an undulating periodized scheme that uses microcycles. This way, each muscle group is trained with the same intensity (resistance) and rep range. And each week, the resistance and rep ranges change in a random, non-linear fashion.

Week 1

Day Workout Weight Reps
Monday Chest/Triceps Heavy 2-6
Tuesday Legs Heavy 2-6
Thursday Shoulders Heavy 2-6
Friday Back/Biceps Heavy 2-6

Week 2

Day Workout Weight Reps
Monday Chest/Triceps Light 15-30+
Tuesday Legs Light 15-30+
Thursday Shoulders Light 15-30+
Friday Back/Biceps Light 15-30+

Week 3

Day Workout Weight Reps
Monday Chest/Triceps Moderate 8-12
Tuesday Legs Moderate 8-12
Thursday Shoulders Moderate 8-12
Friday Back/Biceps Moderate 8-12

Week 4

Day Workout Weight Reps
Monday Chest/Triceps Light 15-30+
Tuesday Legs Light 15-30+
Thursday Shoulders Light 15-30+
Friday Back/Biceps Light 15-30+

Week 5

Day Workout Weight Reps
Monday Chest/Triceps Heavy 2-6
Tuesday Legs Heavy 2-6
Thursday Shoulders Heavy 2-6
Friday Back/Biceps Heavy 2-6

Week 6

Day Workout Weight Reps
Monday Chest/Triceps Moderate 8-12
Tuesday Legs Moderate 8-12
Thursday Shoulders Moderate 8-12
Friday Back/Biceps Moderate 8-12

Pendulum Periodization

Another type of periodization, called pendulum periodization, involves "swinging" back and forth (hence the name) between classic linear and reverse linear schemes. 

A simplified way to use pendulum periodization is to start the first few weeks progressing in a linear periodized scheme where weight increases every week or so and reps decrease.Therefore, you might start off with reps in the 8-12 rep range in week 1. Then in week 2, reps drop down to 6-8 reps per set. In week 3, reps drop down again to 3-5 reps per set. In week 4, the order now switches to a reverse linear periodized model with reps going back up to the 6-8 rep range, and then in week 5 to the 8-12 rep range. In week 6, it is back to a linear progression with reps dropping down to the 6-8 rep range. The program would continue swinging back and forth like this.

This table shows the weight and rep range changes that occur each week/microcycle when using a pendulum scheme:

Week/Microcycle Weight Rep Range
1: Hypertrophy Moderate 8-12
2: Strength Moderate-Heavy 6-8
3: Power Heavy 3-5
4: Strength Moderate-Heavy 6-8
5: Hypertrophy Moderate 8-12
6: Strength Moderate-Heavy 6-8
7: Power Heavy 3-5

Customizing Pendulum Periodization for Your Goals

A more advanced application of pendulum periodization is to use it more like an actual pendulum that picks up speed and distance the more it swings. This way, you can focus on a specific rep range, based on your goal, yet still utilize other weights and rep ranges on both sides of the repetition continuum. The whole point is that one specific rep range is repeated more frequently than the others.

For example, if an athlete wanted to maximize muscle growth, he may want to focus most of his training in the 8-12-rep range. Yet, sticking with just that rep range for many weeks or months can lead to stagnation and not only prevent continued gains, but possibly lead to muscle loss. Pendulum periodization takes care of that.

Using the advanced pendulum concept, a smart plan for muscle hypertrophy may look something like this: Week 1, 8-12 reps; Week 2, 13-15 reps; Week 3, 8-12 reps; Week 4, 5-7 reps; Week 5, 8-12 reps; Week 6, 13-15 reps;Week 7, 16-20 reps; Week 8, 13-15 reps; Week 9, 8-12 reps;Week 10, 5-7 reps; Week 11, 2-4 reps; Week 12, 5-7 reps; and ending with Week 13 at 8-12 reps.

Here's another way to look at this scheme, showing which weeks each rep range is used: 

Pendulum Scheme          
Rep Range 2-4 5-7 8-12 13-15 16-20
Week 11 4, 10, 12 1, 3, 5, 9, 13 2, 6, 8 7

Like a pendulum starting in the midpoint, the ball swings wider and wider with each pass. For example, the midpoint of 8-12 reps, which is the “sweet spot” for muscle growth, is repeated over the 13-week plan five times. The 13-15 and 5-7-rep ranges are only done three times each. And 16-20 and 2-4 reps are done only once each. So, not only do you repeat the rep range that most aligns with your goal (in this case, 8-12 reps) more frequently, but you also don't veer too far from that rep range for too long.

You could also set up a similar pendulum model to focus on strength by repeating the 5-7, or even the 2-4, rep range more often. You could also go in the opposite direction to focus more on muscle endurance, utilizing 13-15 reps or 16-20 reps more often, just as you did with 8-12 reps in the above example.

Oscillating Periodization

Oscillating Periodization is a bit similar to pendulum, where you start in the midpoint and gradually oscillate further and further out from the central rep range. However, unlike pendulum, is doesn’t repeat one rep range more often than others. 

My Oscillating model actually looks similar on paper to an undulating plan. Upon first inspection, it doesn’t appear to have a specific pattern. Here are the rep ranges used each week in my 5-week Oscillating Periodization Program (OPP):

Week 1: 10-12 reps

Week 2: 13-15 reps

Week 3: 6-8 reps

Week 4: 16-20 reps

Week 5: 4-5 reps

However, once you visualize the pattern, you realize it’s not random. Rather, it oscillates from the center of the rep continuum toward the outer points. Here’s another way to look at it:

Oscillating Scheme          
Rep Range 4-5 6-8 10-12 13-15 16-20
Week 5 3 1 2 4

As you can see, the program oscillates around the midpoint (10-12 reps), starting at that rep range in Week 1 and working toward the outer points in both directions (16-20 reps on the high side, 4-5 reps on the low end).

The Benefits of Oscillating Periodization

The benefit to the oscillating pattern is that you start in the midpoint of the rep continuum – nothing too heavy and reps not too high. Then, the rep ranges oscillate out in both directions from this happy medium. Every other week, the rep pattern alternates from a reverse linear to a linear pattern. You’re starting in the middle rep range (10-12 reps) and getting heavier every other week, while also increasing reps every other week. Therefore, you get the benefits of strength gains from the increase in weight lifted, and you also get the muscle growth, fat loss, and endurance boost from the increase in reps.  

You can also start on one of the outer points and oscillate in toward the center point. For example, you can start Week 1 at 16-20 reps, then jump to 4-6 reps in Week 2. In Week 3, you’d jump to 13-15 reps, go to 6-8 reps in Week 4, then finish in the middle of the rep continuum with 10-12 reps in Week 5. Here’s how that would look:

Week 1: 16-20 reps

Week 2: 4-6 reps

Week 3: 13-15 reps

Week 4: 6-8 reps

Week 5: 10-12 reps

The benefit to this pattern is that you start at both ends of the repetition continuum and oscillate in so that every other week you decrease weight and increase reps. But in the other weeks, you increase the weight and decrease the reps. Again, you get the best of both worlds: a linear pattern alternating with reverse linear, only with a slightly different oscillating pattern. 

Oscillating Periodization 10-Week Program

You can also make OPP a 10-week plan. Just start in the middle and oscillate out for the first five weeks, then go from the outer points of the rep continuum and oscillate in toward the center point for the last five weeks. Here’s the 10-week schedule:

Week 1: 10-12 reps

Week 2: 13-15 reps

Week 3: 6-8 rep

Week 4: 16-20 reps

Week 5: 4-5 reps

Week 6: 16-20 reps

Week 7: 4-6 reps

Week 8: 13-15 reps

Week 9: 6-8 reps

Week 10: 10-12 reps

Combining Periodization Schemes

There is no rule that states that one has to pick one and only one form or periodization and follow it till the end of the program. A great way to really experience gains in muscle size and strength is by using programs that combine periodized models into one program.

If you’ve done my Super-Man program, you’ve already done a program of mine that combines both linear and reverse linear models into a pendulum style that doesn’t repeat any one specific rep range more than any others. Yet, you can also convert many of my programs into ones that use multiple periodized models.

With my Micro Muscle (aka, Shortcut To Size), a good way to repeat it but mix it up would be to follow it in a pendulum training order. So the first four weeks would follow the normal program as prescribed in Phase 1. Week 1 would involve reps in the 12-15 rep range, week 2 would be reps in the 9-11 range, week 3 would use reps in the 6-8 range, and week 4 would involve reps in the 3-5 range. Then, instead of jumping back up to 12-15 reps as you normally would in Phase 2, you move to 6-8 reps in week 5, then 9-11 reps for week 6 and then up to 12-15 reps in week 7. Then, in week 8, you move back down to 9-11 reps, in week 9 you are at 6-8 reps per set and in week 10 you are down to 3-5 reps per set. You could end the program here at week 10 or swing back up the rep range for another 3 weeks, ending with 12-15 reps in week 13.

Another way to combine periodized models is to use both linear and reverse linear models simultaneously. This works well with programs that train each muscle group twice per week. For example, with a program that uses a two-day split with chest, back and shoulders worked in workouts 1 and 3 and legs and arms trained in workouts 2 and 4, workouts 1 and 2 could follow a linear order using a microcycle system of getting heavier in weight and lower in reps with each week and weeks 3 and 4 could follow a reverse linear order using a microcycle system with the weight getting lighter and the reps getting higher each week. This is what my 1-2-3 Lean (aka, Shortcut to Shred) program involves.

And what’s really interesting is that when you then consider the order of the rep ranges with two separate rep ranges being used each week is that the scheme is similar to an undulating periodized model. Here, workouts 1 and 2 progress from 9-11 reps in week 1, to 6-8 reps in week 2 and to 3-5 reps in week 3. Workouts 3 and 4 start at 12-15 reps in week 1, then jump up to 16-20 reps in week 2 and finally to 21-30 reps in week 3. But when you consider the order from workouts 1 and 2 to workouts 3 and 4 each week, the reps actually go in this order: 9-11, 12-15, 6-8, 16-20, 3-5, 21-30. That is actually an undulating order.

Now that you are armed with the knowledge of how to utilize periodization you can take it to the gym and tweak my programs or create your own. Knowledge is power!


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