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Weightlifting Shoes Are Well Worth It

If the shoe fits... wear it and get super strong!

Weightlifting Shoes Are Well Worth It

The 2012 Olympics in London are less than a year away.

And while I really enjoy most of the sports equally well, it's Olympic weightlifting that I have a special affinity for. If you've ever tried to do a real clean and jerk or snatch, then you are well aware of just how amazing it is to watch a human being fling hundreds of pounds of weight (in some cases well over 500 pounds!) from the floor to overhead. It's hard enough to just lift 500 pounds off the floor, never mind throwing it up from the floor to overhead.

If you watch the Olympic weightlifters closely, you'll notice a few things that you don't typically see in the gym.

For starters, you'll notice that when they are squatting down in the bottom position of the clean or the snatch, they are doing a squat deeper than you will every see done in your local gym. Their glutes are inches from the floor.

Another thing you'll notice about these athletes is their attire.

No, I am not talking about the snug singlets that they wear. Although you do not see many of those in gyms these days.

What you'll notice about their attire is that they aren't

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