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Vita JYM Infographic

Are multivitamins worthless? Not if they're formulated properly like Vita JYM...

Vita JYM Infographic

Vita JYM – Everything a Multivitamin Should Be, and Nothing it Shouldn't

Despite recent headlines claiming multivitamins are useless, the fact remains that not only is adequate vitamin and mineral intake crucial to your overall health, but chances are your diet falls short when it comes to delivering them.

Study after study has proven the benefits of getting enough of the essential nutrients your body can’t provide for itself. And while you’d ideally get those nutrients from the foods you eat, most people are still deficient on many of them. Supplementing your diet with a multivitamin is the best way to ensure your body is supplied with optimal levels of these key vitamins and minerals—that is, if your multivitamin is formulated properly.

Among the countless daily multivitamins available, few—if any—can claim to deliver the right combination of ingredients at the proper amounts. Most include nutrients that conflict with each other, inhibiting absorption and making some of those ingredients useless. Others use the wrong forms of certain nutrients, which are poorly absorbed or even possibly dangerous when taken over time. And especially when it comes to the needs of active individuals and athletes, most multivitamins fail to deliver these nutrients in adequate amounts.

This is why I formulated Vita JYM to provide exactly the right vitamins and minerals in clinically-proven amounts that meet the needs of athletes and help optimize your nutrition for better performance, results, and overall health

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