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Super-Man Challenge Weekly Grocery List

The list of everything you'll need to fuel yourself when following the Super-Man Challenge diet.

Super-Man Challenge Weekly Grocery List

Greetings Super-Man Challenge participant!

It’s very important that you enter each week of the program prepared to attack your workouts and get right into eating the proper meals come Monday. To address the latter, below you’ll find your grocery shopping list for the week. The foods listed are a week’s worth of the items included in the Super-Man Diet.

Will this list guarantee that you won’t have to revisit the grocery store during the week to replenish one or more food items? Probably not, since different size individuals will eat different amounts of food. But it will get you pretty darn close, and it might even provide some excess food that can saved for the following week, particularly if you choose to eat multiple meals at a restaurant. (If you do eat out, just make sure you’re doing your best to eat comparable foods, portion sizes and macronutrient amounts.)

Here are a few more notes regarding the grocery list:

  • Again, this shopping list is just a guideline. If you’re substituting foods for those listed in the Super-Man Diet, you’ll need to add those to your shopping list. For good substitutions, refer to my Food Alternatives List.
  • The Super-Man Diet as published on the site shows only one sample day of eating. However, most people don’t want to eat the same thing every day. So what I did was assume that theoretically you’d be eating more or less the same thing for breakfast, lunch and snacks every day, but then eating something different for dinner every night. That’s why you won’t see 5-7 days worth of sirloin steak and sweet potatoes. I did my best to offer variety for dinner in the form of different protein sources (different types of meat and fish) as well as vegetables, and so on. I realize some people want to vary what they eat for breakfast and lunch as well, but it’s impossible for me to

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