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1 Simple Trick For a Bigger Biceps Peak

Your grip width on barbell curls could be a game changer for your arm development.

1 Simple Trick For a Bigger Biceps Peak


Having bigger biceps is a goal every gym-goer has at some point (if not constantly). 

So, what can you do to ensure your biceps resemble the majestic peaks of the Swiss Alps? It might be as simple as adjusting your hand placement on barbell curls. Once you know your anatomy and what grip emphasizes which biceps head, you can tailor your workouts accordingly. 

Below, I’ll educate you on the anatomy and tell you exactly what to do on arm day to sculpt bigger guns. 

Biceps Anatomy Lesson

To sculpt better biceps, you need to know your anatomy. 

The biceps muscle consists of two main heads: the long head and the short head. The long head is primarily responsible for the visible “peak” of your biceps, while the short head contributes to girth and width. Your choice of grip on barbell curls—narrow or wide—determines which of the two heads does more of the work (and gets more growth as a result).

Decide which biceps head you want to focus on, and pick your grip accordingly (I’ll tell you exactly how to do that below). 

Building Bigger Biceps, Regardless of Genetics 

Most guys want to strike the classic biceps pose (arm up, elbow at 90 degrees, hand in a fist) and see an impressive peak. 

Of course, genetics play a role in how pronounced your peak can be. The biceps tendon is the key factor here: A longer biceps tendon typically results in a higher muscle peak, while a shorter one results in a lower peak. But that doesn’t mean genetics are the end all, be all.

By optimizing your grip on curls, you can maximize the peak regardless of your individual tendon length, while also adding substantial mass to your biceps.

Here’s what to do on barbell curls specifically: 

  • Develop the Peak With a Narrow Grip: Use a narrow grip on the barbell to target the long head of the biceps and enhance the coveted peak. By narrow, I mean inside shoulder-width, where the backs of the hands are touching the thighs at the bottom of each rep. 
  • Get Thicker Biceps With a Wide Grip: Use a wide grip to focus on the short head, promoting greater overall biceps width and girth. Here, you want your hands outside shoulder width on the bar.
  • Choose Your Bar: These training tips can be implemented with either a straight bar (Olympic barbell) or an EZ-bar (aka, “bent” bar). You can also use them on cable curls, since most cable machines have both straight- and EZ-bar attachments available. 

Build Bigger Biceps With Oxford Drop Sets

To further enhance your biceps training regimen, consider incorporating my Oxford Drop Sets method. This specialized routine is designed to maximize muscle growth and definition for all muscle groups, biceps included. 


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