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The New JimStoppani.com

The new and improved JimStoppani.com has officially launched!

The New JimStoppani.com

If you're a member of this site, you already know that the new and improved JimStoppani.com has officially launched. I've worked tirelessly with my small (and dedicated) team to bring you some of the most unique and advanced features that have ever been produced in the world of fitness. Much like the programs, nutrition and supplement information I put out for the public, I expect the same level of excellence with my own personal website. Remember, I'm just one person with a small team behind me, so there will be some growing pains. That said, we're pushing the envelope beyond what even some large corporations are capable of doing.

New Layout and Design

The first new feature you'll likely notice is a brand-new design. The look of JimStoppani.com is cleaner, fresher and structured in a way that's much more mobile-friendly. The re-designed home page displays all of my new content and you can easily navigate through a variety of featured articles in the carousel at the top; this is where I'll announce all my latest and greatest content. Below the home page features is where you can find all of my workouts, ebooks, videos and even more articles on the three main topics of training, nutrition and supplementation. 

Workouts are the "Golden Egg" of JimStoppani.com. There are two workout categories: featured programs and stand-alone workouts. The featured programs are ones you may be familiar with – including Super Shredded 8, Shortcut To Size, Shortcut to Strength, Down & Up Mass and about 15 others – in other words, enough exercise regimens to keep you moving forward with your fitness goals

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