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Your Fat Loss Grocery List

The list of everything you'll need to fuel yourself for a total physique transformation.

Your Fat Loss Grocery List


One major problem people have when starting a transformation—doing one of my workout challenges, for example—is not knowing what foods to eat.

That problem is now solved with the below grocery shopping list. 

Whether you're doing a challenge or just chose one of my workout programs on your own, it's very important that you enter each week of the plan prepared to attack your workouts and get right into eating the proper meals come Monday. 

The foods listed below are a week’s worth of the foods included in my Super-Man Diet, since I originally created this article during a past Super-Man Challenge.

This list will come in handy during my 2024 Holiday Shred Challenge because it incorporates my Super-Man Remastered workout (and by extension the Super-Man Diet). But it will work equally well going forward regardless of what program or challenge you're following. 

How to Use This Fat Loss Grocery List

Will this list guarantee that you won’t have to revisit the grocery store during the week to replenish one or more food items?

Probably not, since different size individuals will eat different amounts of food. But it will get you pretty darn close, and it might even provide some excess food that can saved for the following week, particularly if you choose to eat multiple meals at a restaurant. (If you do eat out, just make sure you’re doing your best to eat comparable foods, portion sizes and macronutrient amounts.)

Here are a few more notes regarding the grocery list:

  • Again, this shopping list is just a guideline. If you’re substituting foods for those listed in the Super-Man Diet, you’ll need to add those to your shopping list. For good substitutions, refer to my Food Alternatives List .
  • The Super-Man Diet as published on the site shows only one sample day of eating. However, most people don’t want to eat the same thing every day. So what I did was assume that theoretically you’d be eating more or less the same thing for breakfast, lunch and snacks every day, but then eating something different for dinner every night. That’s why you won’t see 5-7 days worth of sirloin steak and sweet potatoes. I did my best to offer variety for dinner in the form of different protein sources (different types of meat and fish) as well as vegetables, and so on. I realize some people want to vary what they eat for breakfast and lunch as well, but it’s impossible for me to guess what everyone’s going to want to eat, so you may need to tweak this grocery list yourself to fit your personal preferences.
  • If you weigh significantly more or less than 180 pounds (the approximate body weight the diet was formulated around), buy more or less than the listed amounts.
  • If you’re already stocked up on certain staple items (ie, olive oil, raisins, oatmeal, peanut butter, jelly, etc.), you won’t need to buy those at the store. Wait until you’re running low on those items to put them on your shopping list.
  • You won’t be able to purchase JYM supplements at the grocery store. Instead, get these products at JYMSupps.com
  • The Super-Man Diet offers two different meal plans: a “Bigger & Stronger” plan for those who want to emphasize mass-gaining and strength, and a “Leaner” plan for those who want to maximize fat loss. The grocery shopping list is similar between the two plans, but I’ve made notes in the list to distinguish between the two (you’ll notice the “Leaner” plan has fewer high-carb foods).

These lists should help you enter the grocery store this weekend with a solid gameplan that will set you up for success in the kitchen all week long.

Good luck!

Weekly Fat Loss Grocery List

  • 1 gallon of low-fat milk (1%)
  • 2 dozen eggs
  • 1-2 bags of shredded reduced-fat cheddar cheese
  • 1-2 packages of chicken breasts (providing at least 5-7 6-ounce breasts)
  • 3-4 containers (16 oz.) of low-fat cottage cheese (1%)
  • 7 single-serving containers of plain 2% Greek yogurt
  • 1 bottle of olive oil (if you don’t already have it in your kitchen)
  • 1 container of plain oatmeal (“Bigger & Stronger” plan only)
  • 1 large box of raisins (“Bigger & Stronger” plan only)
  • 1 bag of brown sugar (“Bigger & Stronger” plan only)
  • 1 one loaf of 100% whole-wheat bread (“Bigger & Stronger” plan only)
  • 1 jar of peanut butter (“Bigger & Stronger” plan only)
  • 1 jar of jelly (“Bigger & Stronger” plan only)
  • 1 bag/box of brown rice (“Bigger & Stronger” plan only)
  • 1-2 large cans of sliced pineapple (“Bigger & Stronger” plan only)
  • 1 package of light mozzarella string cheeses (get 2 packages for the "Leaner" plan)
  • 1 jar of salsa ("Leaner" plan only)
  • 7 apples ("Leaner" plan only)
  • Meat for dinners (both "Leaner" and "Bigger & Stronger" plans) – 7 portions (equivalent to an 8-ounce steak) of whatever meat you want to eat for dinner during the week. Can include your choice of steak, lean-ground beef, chicken legs/thighs/breasts, fish, pork, bison, venison, lamb, crab, you name it.
  • Mixed vegetables (both "Leaner" and "Bigger & Stronger" plans) – generous amount that will provide for 10-14 meals (lunch and dinner) during the week. Feel free to choose from any of these vegetables found on my Food Alternatives list: mixed-green salad, asparagus, green beans, broccoli, cauliflower, onion, bell peppers, Brussels sprouts, zucchini, eggplant, bok choy (Chinese cabbage), mushrooms, spinach, cucumber, okra

JYM Supplements

  • 2-3 4-pound containers of Pro JYM
  • 1 container of Pre JYM
  • 1 container each of Post JYM Active Matrix and Post JYM Fast Carbs (though the latter can be substituted with candy, white bread or other fast carb choice)
  • 1 bottle Vita JYM
  • 1 bottle Shred JYM or SS8 Advanced Fat Burner (optional)
  • 1 bottle Alpha JYM X (for men)
  • 1 bottle Omega JYM
  • 1 bottle ZMA JYM

Get All JYM Supplements Here

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