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Supersets: The Ultimate Workout Hack Everyone Should Be Using
The simplest way to burn more calories, build more muscle, get stronger, and save time in the gym.
Supported Bent Over Row
VIDEO ALERT! Exercise Doctor for your Barbell Bent Over Row needs.
Tabata Builder
This 4-week full-body program combines Tabata intervals and reverse-linear periodization for great gains in size, strength, fat loss, and conditioning.
Tabata Weight Blast Workouts
Another way to combine weights with HIIT for unreal results
Take A Stand To Burn More Fat
How standing exercises can help you burn more
Tanner Andreae
Overcoming a drinking problem and adopting better training and eating habits helped this former Marine turn his life around.
Target Training: Bigger Calves From All Angles
Targeting different areas of the calves is as easy as a simple sleight of foot.
Target Training: Inner Chest
Bring up your inner chest for that chiseled look with these exercises and tips.
The $100,000 Man
Glenn Lovelace won a hundred large in Bodybuilding.com's $250,000 Transformation Challenge with a few not-so-secret weapons in his back pocket: Jim Stoppani's Shortcut to Shred program and JYM supplements.