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Training Research Update: Cardio Timing
Cardio before or after weights?
Training Research Update: Cheating
Can "cheating" on exercises help to grow muscle?
Training Research Update: Power Up Your Cardio
Research shows yet another reason why you should kick your cardio into high gear!
Another study attempts to investigate pre-exhaust and fails miserably.
Training Troubleshooting: Get Fit in Fewer Days
Don't let a tight weekly schedule prevent you from doing the program – and getting the results – you want.
Training Troubleshooting: Get Fit in Less Time
Not enough hours in your day to train? Don't skip your workout. Just do it more efficiently with these time-saving simple strategies.
Training Troubleshooting: Get Ripped with Less Equipment
Go long on muscle- and strength-building results even when you're short on equipment with these tips.
Treadmill Tip: Go Backwards
One simple tweak can spark new results in your treadmill or elliptical machine cardio workout.
Treadmill Tips
Most lifters dread cardio—especially the treadmill. These tips may have you re-thinking your stance on this tried-and-true cardio machine.