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Best Rep Range For Muscle Growth
Spend plenty of time in the 8-12-rep window to maximize mass gains.
Micro Muscle eBook is here!
Try the 12-week training and nutrition plan that is guaranteed to work!
To crunch or not to crunch, that's the question
Here is my answer!
Smith Machine Crunch
A new exercise you probably never thought of for your abs
Rest-Pause For Power
The rest-pause training technique isn't just for gaining size directly. It can also enhance explosiveness.
Labor Day Power HIIT
Turn those Labor Day cheat foods into recovery foods!
2011 Asia Fitness Convention
in Bangkok, Thailand
Squat Reps: 8 Is Great
Squat... but only so heavy.
Go Manual For More Muscle
Manual treadmills may be no frills, but they offer more benefits